GUI container on the Docker

Summer Program 2021 — #Task2
Task Description:
- Launch a container on docker in GUI mode
- Run any GUI software on the container
Here we go…
Step-1: Check for the Docker
Use the below command to check for the Docker
docker info
if Docker unavailable, use:
yum install docker-ce
Pull the OS to work with

Step-2: Launch the Container
To launch the Container use the command,
docker run -it — name=<container_name> -net=host — env=”DISPLAY” — volume=”$HOME/.Xauthority:root/.Xauthority:rw” <docker_image>:<version>
to break down the code:
run- to launch the container
it- for interactive terminal
net=host- to launch with host network
env=”DISPLAY”- Display of the host
volume=”$HOME/.Xauthority:root/.Xauthority:rw”- to share the Xserver from the host to container by creating a volume

and the container starts running…

Step-3: Installing required packages
i) Installing Python
To install Python in the container, run the command while in the container’s terminal :
yum install python3

after the installation is done, run the command :
rpm -q python3
to check the version installed.
ii) Installing Firefox
To install the Firefox web browser in the container, run the command:
yum install firefox

to check the version installed, run the command:
rpm -q firefox
iii)Jupyter Notebook
As the Python is already installed from the Step-3.i
Run the command:
pip3 install jupyter
It installs the notebook and other required libraries to run it.
Step 4: Launch the GUI
Launch the Jupyter Notebook, by using the command:
jupyter notebook —allow-root

A Firefox Window opens with Jupyter running in it

That’s all Folks!!
#vimaldaga #righteducation #educationredefine #rightmentor #worldrecordholder #linuxworld #makingindiafutureready #righeducation #arthbylw #docker #container